Operators, expressions, and dunder methods
Mojo includes a variety of operators for manipulating values of different types.
Generally, the operators are equivalent to those found in Python, though many
operators also work with additional Mojo types such as SIMD
Additionally, Mojo allows you to define the behavior of most of these operators
for your own custom types by implementing special dunder (double underscore)
This document contains the following three sections:
- Operators and expressions discusses Mojo's built-in operators and how they work with commonly used Mojo types.
- Implement operators for custom types describes the dunder methods that you can implement to support using operators with custom structs that you create.
- An example of implementing operators for a custom type shows a progressive example of writing a custom struct with support for several operators.
Operators and expressions
This section lists the operators that Mojo supports, their order or precedence and associativity, and describes how these operators behave with several commonly used built-in types.
Operator precedence and associativity
The table below lists the various Mojo operators, along with their order of precedence and associativity (also referred to as grouping). This table lists operators from the highest precedence to the lowest precedence.
Operators | Description | Associativity (Grouping) |
() | Parenthesized expression | Left to right |
x[index] , x[index:index] | Subscripting, slicing | Left to right |
** | Exponentiation | Right to left |
+x , -x , ~x | Positive, negative, bitwise NOT | Right to left |
* , @ , / , // , % | Multiplication, matrix, division, floor division, remainder | Left to right |
+ , – | Addition and subtraction | Left to right |
<< , >> | Shifts | Left to right |
& | Bitwise AND | Left to right |
^ | Bitwise XOR | Left to right |
| | Bitwise OR | Left to right |
in , not in , is , is not , < , <= , > , >= , != , == | Comparisons, membership tests, identity tests | Left to Right |
not x | Boolean NOT | Right to left |
x and y | Boolean AND | Left to right |
x or y | Boolean OR | Left to right |
if-else | Conditional expression | Right to left |
:= | Assignment expression (walrus operator) | Right to left |
Mojo supports the same operators as Python (plus a few extensions), and they have the same precedence levels. For example, the following arithmetic expression evaluates to 40:
5 + 4 * 3 ** 2 - 1
5 + 4 * 3 ** 2 - 1
It is equivalent to the following parenthesized expression to explicitly control the order of evaluation:
(5 + (4 * (3 ** 2))) - 1
(5 + (4 * (3 ** 2))) - 1
Associativity defines how operators of the same precedence level are grouped into expressions. The table indicates whether operators of a given level are left- or right-associative. For example, multiplication and division are left associative, so the following expression results in a value of 3:
3 * 4 / 2 / 2
3 * 4 / 2 / 2
It is equivalent to the following parenthesized expression to explicitly control the order of evaluation:
((3 * 4) / 2) / 2
((3 * 4) / 2) / 2
Whereas in the following, exponentiation operators are right associative resulting in a value of 264,144:
4 ** 3 ** 2
4 ** 3 ** 2
It is equivalent to the following parenthesized expression to explicitly control the order of evaluation:
4 ** (3 ** 2)
4 ** (3 ** 2)
Arithmetic and bitwise operators
Numeric types describes the different numeric types provided by the Mojo standard library. The arithmetic and bitwise operators have slightly different behavior depending on the types of values provided.
and UInt
The Int
types represent signed and unsigned
integers of the word
size of the CPU,
typically 64 bits or 32 bits.
The Int
and UInt
types support all arithmetic operators except matrix
multiplication (@
), as well as all bitwise and shift operators. If both
operands to a binary operator are Int
values the result is an Int
, if both
operands are UInt
values the result is a UInt
, and if one operand is Int
and the other UInt
the result is an Int
. The one exception for these types
is true division, /
, which always returns a Float64
type value.
var a_int: Int = -7
var b_int: Int = 4
sum_int = a_int + b_int # Result is type Int
print("Int sum:", sum_int)
var i_uint: UInt = 9
var j_uint: UInt = 8
sum_uint = i_uint + j_uint # Result is type UInt
print("UInt sum:", sum_uint)
sum_mixed = a_int + i_uint # Result is type Int
print("Mixed sum:", sum_mixed)
quotient_int = a_int / b_int # Result is type Float64
print("Int quotient:", quotient_int)
quotient_uint = i_uint / j_uint # Result is type Float64
print("UInt quotient:", quotient_uint)
var a_int: Int = -7
var b_int: Int = 4
sum_int = a_int + b_int # Result is type Int
print("Int sum:", sum_int)
var i_uint: UInt = 9
var j_uint: UInt = 8
sum_uint = i_uint + j_uint # Result is type UInt
print("UInt sum:", sum_uint)
sum_mixed = a_int + i_uint # Result is type Int
print("Mixed sum:", sum_mixed)
quotient_int = a_int / b_int # Result is type Float64
print("Int quotient:", quotient_int)
quotient_uint = i_uint / j_uint # Result is type Float64
print("UInt quotient:", quotient_uint)
Int sum: -3
UInt sum: 17
Mixed sum: 2
Int quotient: -1.75
UInt quotient: 1.125
Int sum: -3
UInt sum: 17
Mixed sum: 2
Int quotient: -1.75
UInt quotient: 1.125
The Mojo standard library defines the SIMD
type to represent a fixed-size array of values that can fit into a processor's
register. This allows you to take advantage of single instruction, multiple
operations in hardware to efficiently process multiple values in parallel.
values of a numeric DType
all arithmetic operators except for matrix multiplication (@
), though the left
shift (<<
) and right shift (>>
) operators support only integral types.
Additionally, SIMD
values of an integral or boolean type support all bitwise
operators. SIMD
values apply the operators in an elementwise fashion, as
shown in the following example:
simd1 = SIMD[DType.int32, 4](2, 3, 4, 5)
simd2 = SIMD[DType.int32, 4](-1, 2, -3, 4)
simd3 = simd1 * simd2
simd1 = SIMD[DType.int32, 4](2, 3, 4, 5)
simd2 = SIMD[DType.int32, 4](-1, 2, -3, 4)
simd3 = simd1 * simd2
[-2, 6, -12, 20]
[-2, 6, -12, 20]
values are simply aliases for
single-element SIMD
vectors, so Float16
is just an alias for
SIMD[DType.float16, 1]
. Therefore Scalar
values support the same set of
arithmetic and bitwise operators.
var f1: Float16 = 2.5
var f2: Float16 = -4.0
var f3 = f1 * f2 # Implicitly of type Float16
var f1: Float16 = 2.5
var f2: Float16 = -4.0
var f3 = f1 * f2 # Implicitly of type Float16
When using these operators on SIMD
values, Mojo requires both to have the same
size and DType
, and the result is a SIMD
of the same size and DType
. The
operators do not automatically widen lower precision SIMD
values to higher
precision. This means that the DType
of each value must be the same or else
the result is a compilation error.
var i8: Int8 = 8
var f64: Float64 = 64.0
result = i8 * f64
var i8: Int8 = 8
var f64: Float64 = 64.0
result = i8 * f64
error: invalid call to '__mul__': could not deduce parameter 'type' of parent struct 'SIMD'
result = i8 * f64
error: invalid call to '__mul__': could not deduce parameter 'type' of parent struct 'SIMD'
result = i8 * f64
If you need to perform an arithmetic or bitwise operator on two SIMD
values of
different types, you can explicitly convert a value to the desired type either
by invoking its cast()
method or by
passing it as an argument to the constructor of the target type.
simd1 = SIMD[DType.float32, 4](2.2, 3.3, 4.4, 5.5)
simd2 = SIMD[DType.int16, 4](-1, 2, -3, 4)
simd3 = simd1 * simd2.cast[DType.float32]() # Convert with cast() method
print("simd3:", simd3)
simd4 = simd2 + SIMD[DType.int16, 4](simd1) # Convert with SIMD constructor
print("simd4:", simd4)
simd1 = SIMD[DType.float32, 4](2.2, 3.3, 4.4, 5.5)
simd2 = SIMD[DType.int16, 4](-1, 2, -3, 4)
simd3 = simd1 * simd2.cast[DType.float32]() # Convert with cast() method
print("simd3:", simd3)
simd4 = simd2 + SIMD[DType.int16, 4](simd1) # Convert with SIMD constructor
print("simd4:", simd4)
simd3: [-2.2, 6.6, -13.200001, 22.0]
simd4: [1, 5, 1, 9]
simd3: [-2.2, 6.6, -13.200001, 22.0]
simd4: [1, 5, 1, 9]
One exception is that the exponentiation operator, **
, is overloaded so that
you can specify an Int
type exponent. All values in the SIMD
exponentiated to the same power.
base_simd = SIMD[DType.float64, 4](1.1, 2.2, 3.3, 4.4)
var power: Int = 2
pow_simd = base_simd ** power # Result is SIMD[DType.float64, 4]
base_simd = SIMD[DType.float64, 4](1.1, 2.2, 3.3, 4.4)
var power: Int = 2
pow_simd = base_simd ** power # Result is SIMD[DType.float64, 4]
[1.2100000000000002, 4.8400000000000007, 10.889999999999999, 19.360000000000003]
[1.2100000000000002, 4.8400000000000007, 10.889999999999999, 19.360000000000003]
There are three operators related to division:
, the "true division" operator, performs floating point division forSIMD
values with a floating pointDType
values with an integralDType
, true division truncates the quotient to an integral result.num_float16 = SIMD[DType.float16, 4](3.5, -3.5, 3.5, -3.5)
denom_float16 = SIMD[DType.float16, 4](2.5, 2.5, -2.5, -2.5)
num_int32 = SIMD[DType.int32, 4](5, -6, 7, -8)
denom_int32 = SIMD[DType.int32, 4](2, 3, -4, -5)
# Result is SIMD[DType.float16, 4]
true_quotient_float16 = num_float16 / denom_float16
print("True float16 division:", true_quotient_float16)
# Result is SIMD[DType.int32, 4]
true_quotient_int32 = num_int32 / denom_int32
print("True int32 division:", true_quotient_int32)num_float16 = SIMD[DType.float16, 4](3.5, -3.5, 3.5, -3.5)
denom_float16 = SIMD[DType.float16, 4](2.5, 2.5, -2.5, -2.5)
num_int32 = SIMD[DType.int32, 4](5, -6, 7, -8)
denom_int32 = SIMD[DType.int32, 4](2, 3, -4, -5)
# Result is SIMD[DType.float16, 4]
true_quotient_float16 = num_float16 / denom_float16
print("True float16 division:", true_quotient_float16)
# Result is SIMD[DType.int32, 4]
true_quotient_int32 = num_int32 / denom_int32
print("True int32 division:", true_quotient_int32)True float16 division: [1.4003906, -1.4003906, -1.4003906, 1.4003906]
True int32 division: [2, -2, -1, 1]True float16 division: [1.4003906, -1.4003906, -1.4003906, 1.4003906]
True int32 division: [2, -2, -1, 1] -
, the "floor division" operator, performs division and rounds down the result to the nearest integer. The resultingSIMD
is still the same type as the original operands. For example:# Result is SIMD[DType.float16, 4]
var floor_quotient_float16 = num_float16 // denom_float16
print("Floor float16 division:", floor_quotient_float16)
# Result is SIMD[DType.int32, 4]
var floor_quotient_int32 = num_int32 // denom_int32
print("Floor int32 division:", floor_quotient_int32)# Result is SIMD[DType.float16, 4]
var floor_quotient_float16 = num_float16 // denom_float16
print("Floor float16 division:", floor_quotient_float16)
# Result is SIMD[DType.int32, 4]
var floor_quotient_int32 = num_int32 // denom_int32
print("Floor int32 division:", floor_quotient_int32)Floor float16 division: [1.0, -2.0, -2.0, 1.0]
Floor int32 division: [2, -2, -2, 1]Floor float16 division: [1.0, -2.0, -2.0, 1.0]
Floor int32 division: [2, -2, -2, 1] -
, the modulo operator, returns the remainder after dividing the numerator by the denominator an integral number of times. The relationship between the//
operators can be defined asnum == denom * (num // denom) + (num % denom)
. For example:# Result is SIMD[DType.float16, 4]
var remainder_float16 = num_float16 % denom_float16
print("Modulo float16:", remainder_float16)
# Result is SIMD[DType.int32, 4]
var remainder_int32 = num_int32 % denom_int32
print("Modulo int32:", remainder_int32)
# Result is SIMD[DType.float16, 4]
var result_float16 = denom_float16 * floor_quotient_float16 + remainder_float16
print("Result float16:", result_float16)
# Result is SIMD[DType.int32, 4]
var result_int32 = denom_int32 * floor_quotient_int32 + remainder_int32
print("Result int32:", result_int32)# Result is SIMD[DType.float16, 4]
var remainder_float16 = num_float16 % denom_float16
print("Modulo float16:", remainder_float16)
# Result is SIMD[DType.int32, 4]
var remainder_int32 = num_int32 % denom_int32
print("Modulo int32:", remainder_int32)
# Result is SIMD[DType.float16, 4]
var result_float16 = denom_float16 * floor_quotient_float16 + remainder_float16
print("Result float16:", result_float16)
# Result is SIMD[DType.int32, 4]
var result_int32 = denom_int32 * floor_quotient_int32 + remainder_int32
print("Result int32:", result_int32)Modulo float16: [1.0, 1.5, -1.5, -1.0]
Modulo int32: [1, 0, -1, -3]
Result float16: [3.5, -3.5, 3.5, -3.5]
Result int32: [5, -6, 7, -8]Modulo float16: [1.0, 1.5, -1.5, -1.0]
Modulo int32: [1, 0, -1, -3]
Result float16: [3.5, -3.5, 3.5, -3.5]
Result int32: [5, -6, 7, -8]
and FloatLiteral
compile-time, numeric values. When they are used in a compile-time context, they
are arbitrary-precision values. When they are used in a run-time context, they
are materialized as Int
and Float64
type values, respectively.
As an example, the following code causes a compile-time error because the
calculated IntLiteral
value is too large to store in an Int
alias big_int = (1 << 65) + 123456789 # IntLiteral
var too_big_int: Int = big_int
print("Result:", too_big_int)
alias big_int = (1 << 65) + 123456789 # IntLiteral
var too_big_int: Int = big_int
print("Result:", too_big_int)
note: integer value 36893488147542560021 requires 67 bits to store, but the destination bit width is only 64 bits wide
note: integer value 36893488147542560021 requires 67 bits to store, but the destination bit width is only 64 bits wide
However in the following example, taking that same IntLiteral
value, dividing
by the IntLiteral
10 and then assigning the result to an Int
compiles and runs successfully, because the final IntLiteral
quotient can fit
in a 64-bit Int
alias big_int = (1 << 65) + 123456789 # IntLiteral
var not_too_big_int: Int = big_int // 10
print("Result:", not_too_big_int)
alias big_int = (1 << 65) + 123456789 # IntLiteral
var not_too_big_int: Int = big_int // 10
print("Result:", not_too_big_int)
Result: 3689348814754256002
Result: 3689348814754256002
In a compile-time context, IntLiteral
and FloatLiteral
values support all
arithmetic operators except exponentiation (**
), and IntLiteral
support all bitwise and shift operators. In a run-time context, materialized
values are Int
values and therefore support the same operators as
, and materialized FloatLiteral
values are Float64
values and therefore
support the same operators as Float64
Comparison operators
Mojo supports a standard set of comparison operators: ==
, !=
, <
, <=
, and >=
. However their behavior depends on the type of values being
, and any type that can be implicitly converted toInt
do standard numerical comparison with aBool
result. -
values can be compared only if they are the sameDType
and size. (If you need to compare twoSIMD
values of different types, you can explicitly convert a value so that they have the same type either by invoking itscast()
method or by passing it as an argument to the constructor of the target type.) Mojo performs elementwise comparison with aSIMD[DType.bool]
result. For example:simd1 = SIMD[DType.int16, 4](-1, 2, -3, 4)
simd2 = SIMD[DType.int16, 4](0, 1, 2, 3)
simd3 = simd1 > simd2 # SIMD[DType.bool, 4]
print(simd3)simd1 = SIMD[DType.int16, 4](-1, 2, -3, 4)
simd2 = SIMD[DType.int16, 4](0, 1, 2, 3)
simd3 = simd1 > simd2 # SIMD[DType.bool, 4]
print(simd3)[False, True, False, True]
[False, True, False, True]
An integral type
can be compared to anIntLiteral
, or any type that can be implicitly converted toInt
. Mojo performs elementwise comparison against the value provided and produces aSIMD[DType.bool]
result. For example:simd1 = SIMD[DType.int16, 4](-1, 2, -3, 4)
simd2 = simd1 > 2 # SIMD[DType.bool, 4]
print(simd2)simd1 = SIMD[DType.int16, 4](-1, 2, -3, 4)
simd2 = simd1 > 2 # SIMD[DType.bool, 4]
print(simd2)[False, False, False, True]
[False, False, False, True]
A floating point type
can be compared to aFloatLiteral
, or any type that can be implicitly converted toInt
. Mojo performs elementwise comparison against the value provided and produces aSIMD[DType.bool]
result. For example:simd1 = SIMD[DType.float32, 4](1.1, -2.2, 3.3, -4.4)
simd2 = simd1 > 0.5 # SIMD[DType.bool, 4]
print(simd2)simd1 = SIMD[DType.float32, 4](1.1, -2.2, 3.3, -4.4)
simd2 = simd1 > 0.5 # SIMD[DType.bool, 4]
print(simd2)[True, False, True, False]
[True, False, True, False]
values are simply aliases for single-elementSIMD
vectors. Therefore, the same restrictions apply against comparing different types. In other words, you can't compare aFloat16
value to aFloat32
value unless you convert the values to the same type. You can convert aScalar
value by passing it as an argument to the constructor of the target type:var float1: Float16 = 12.345 # SIMD[DType.float16, 1]
var float2: Float32 = 0.5 # SIMD[DType.float32, 1]
result = Float32(float1) > float2 # Result is SIMD[DType.bool, 1]
print(result)var float1: Float16 = 12.345 # SIMD[DType.float16, 1]
var float2: Float32 = 0.5 # SIMD[DType.float32, 1]
result = Float32(float1) > float2 # Result is SIMD[DType.bool, 1]
values can be compared using standard lexicographical ordering, producing aBool
. (For example, "Zebra" is treated as less than "ant" because upper case letters occur before lower case letters in the character encoding.) String comparisons are discussed further in the String operators section below.
Several other types in the Mojo standard library support various comparison operators, in particular the equality and inequality comparisons. Consult the API documentation for a type to determine whether any comparison operators are supported.
String operators
As discussed in Strings, the
type represents a mutable
string value. In contrast, the
represents a literal string that is embedded into your compiled program. At
run-time a StringLiteral
is loaded into memory as a constant that persists for
the duration of your program's execution.
The String
type has a constructor that accepts a StringLiteral
value, which
means that a StringLiteral
can be implicitly converted to a String
run-time if you pass it as an argument to a function or assign it to a String
type variable. You also can use the String
constructor to explicitly
convert the StringLiteral
to a String
value at run-time.
String concatenation
The +
operator performs string concatenation. The StringLiteral
supports compile-time string concatenation.
alias last_name = "Curie"
# Compile-time StringLiteral alias
alias marie = "Marie " + last_name
# Compile-time concatenation assigned to a run-time StringLiteral type variable
pierre = "Pierre " + last_name
alias last_name = "Curie"
# Compile-time StringLiteral alias
alias marie = "Marie " + last_name
# Compile-time concatenation assigned to a run-time StringLiteral type variable
pierre = "Pierre " + last_name
Marie Curie
Pierre Curie
Marie Curie
Pierre Curie
With the String
type the +
operator performs run-time string concatenation
to produce a new String
value. You can also concatenate a String
and a
to produce a new String
var first_name: String = "Grace"
var last_name: String = " Hopper"
# String type result
programmer = first_name + last_name
# String type result
singer = first_name + " Slick"
var first_name: String = "Grace"
var last_name: String = " Hopper"
# String type result
programmer = first_name + last_name
# String type result
singer = first_name + " Slick"
Grace Hopper
Grace Slick
Grace Hopper
Grace Slick
String replication
The *
operator replicates a String
a specified number of times. For example:
var str1: String = "la"
str2 = str1 * 5
var str1: String = "la"
str2 = str1 * 5
supports the *
operator for both compile-time and run-time
string replication. The following examples perform compile-time string
replication resulting in StringLiteral
alias divider1 = "=" * 40
alias symbol = "#"
alias divider2 = symbol * 40
# You must define the following function using `fn` because an alias
# initializer cannot call a function that can potentially raise an error.
fn generate_divider(char: StringLiteral, repeat: IntLiteral) -> StringLiteral:
return char * repeat
alias divider3 = generate_divider("~", 40) # Evaluated at compile-time
alias divider1 = "=" * 40
alias symbol = "#"
alias divider2 = symbol * 40
# You must define the following function using `fn` because an alias
# initializer cannot call a function that can potentially raise an error.
fn generate_divider(char: StringLiteral, repeat: IntLiteral) -> StringLiteral:
return char * repeat
alias divider3 = generate_divider("~", 40) # Evaluated at compile-time
In contrast, the following examples perform run-time string replication
resulting in String
repeat = 40
div1 = "^" * repeat
print("_" * repeat)
repeat = 40
div1 = "^" * repeat
print("_" * repeat)
String comparison
and StringLiteral
values can be compared using standard
lexicographical ordering, producing a Bool
. For example, "Zebra" is treated as
less than "ant" because upper case letters occur before lower case letters in
the character encoding.
var animal: String = "bird"
is_cat_eq = "cat" == animal
print('Is "cat" equal to "{}"?'.format(animal), is_cat_eq)
is_cat_ne = "cat" != animal
print('Is "cat" not equal to "{}"?'.format(animal), is_cat_ne)
is_bird_eq = "bird" == animal
print('Is "bird" equal to "{}"?'.format(animal), is_bird_eq)
is_cat_gt = "CAT" > animal
print('Is "CAT" greater than "{}"?'.format(animal), is_cat_gt)
is_ge_cat = animal >= "CAT"
print('Is "{}" greater than or equal to "CAT"?'.format(animal), is_ge_cat)
var animal: String = "bird"
is_cat_eq = "cat" == animal
print('Is "cat" equal to "{}"?'.format(animal), is_cat_eq)
is_cat_ne = "cat" != animal
print('Is "cat" not equal to "{}"?'.format(animal), is_cat_ne)
is_bird_eq = "bird" == animal
print('Is "bird" equal to "{}"?'.format(animal), is_bird_eq)
is_cat_gt = "CAT" > animal
print('Is "CAT" greater than "{}"?'.format(animal), is_cat_gt)
is_ge_cat = animal >= "CAT"
print('Is "{}" greater than or equal to "CAT"?'.format(animal), is_ge_cat)
Is "cat" equal to "bird"? False
Is "cat" not equal to "bird"? True
Is "bird" equal to "bird"? True
Is "CAT" greater than "bird"? False
Is "bird" greater than or equal to "CAT"? True
Is "cat" equal to "bird"? False
Is "cat" not equal to "bird"? True
Is "bird" equal to "bird"? True
Is "CAT" greater than "bird"? False
Is "bird" greater than or equal to "CAT"? True
Substring testing
Both String
and StringLiteral
support using the in
operator to produce a
result indicating whether a given substring appears within another
string. The operator is overloaded so that you can use any combination of
and StringLiteral
for both the substring and the string to test.
var food: String = "peanut butter"
if "nut" in food:
print("It contains a nut")
print("It doesn't contain a nut")
var food: String = "peanut butter"
if "nut" in food:
print("It contains a nut")
print("It doesn't contain a nut")
It contains a nut
It contains a nut
String indexing and slicing
Both the String
and StringLiteral
types allow you to use indexing to return
a single character. Character positions are identified with a zero-based index
starting from the first character. You can also specify a negative index to
count backwards from the end of the string, with the last character identified
by index -1. Specifying an index beyond the bounds of the string results in a
run-time error.
alphabet = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" # StringLiteral type value
print(alphabet[0], alphabet[-1])
# The following would produce a run-time error
# print(alphabet[45])
alphabet = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" # StringLiteral type value
print(alphabet[0], alphabet[-1])
# The following would produce a run-time error
# print(alphabet[45])
The String
type—but not the StringLiteral
type—also supports slices to
return a substring from the original String
. Providing a slice in the form
returns a substring starting with the character index specified by
and continuing up to but not including the character at index end
. You
can use positive or negative indexing for both the start and end values.
Omitting start
is the same as specifying 0
, and omitting end
is the same
as specifying 1 plus the length of the string.
print(alphabet[1:4]) # The 2nd through 4th characters
print(alphabet[:6]) # The first 6 characters
print(alphabet[-6:]) # The last 6 characters
print(alphabet[1:4]) # The 2nd through 4th characters
print(alphabet[:6]) # The first 6 characters
print(alphabet[-6:]) # The last 6 characters
You can also specify a slice with a step
value, as in [start:end:step]
indicating the increment between subsequent indices of the slide. (This is also
sometimes referred to as a "stride.") If you provide a negative value for
, characters are selected in reverse order starting with start
but then
with decreasing index values up to but not including end
print(alphabet[1:6:2]) # The 2nd, 4th, and 6th characters
print(alphabet[-1:-4:-1]) # The last 3 characters in reverse order
print(alphabet[::-1]) # The entire string reversed
print(alphabet[1:6:2]) # The 2nd, 4th, and 6th characters
print(alphabet[-1:-4:-1]) # The last 3 characters in reverse order
print(alphabet[::-1]) # The entire string reversed
In-place assignment operators
Mutable types that support binary arithmetic, bitwise, and shift operators
typically support equivalent in-place assignment operators. That means that for
a type that supports the +
operator, the following two statements are
essentially equivalent:
a = a + b
a += b
a = a + b
a += b
However there is a subtle difference between the two. In the first example, the
expression a + b
produces a new value, which is then assigned to a
. In
contrast, the second example does an in-place modification of the value
currently assigned to a
. For register-passable types, the compiled results
might be equivalent at run-time. But for a memory-only type, the first example
allocates storage for the result of a + b
and then assigns the value to the
variable, whereas the second example can do an in-place modification of the
existing value.
Assignment expressions
The "walrus" operator, :=
, allows you to assign a value to a variable within
an expression. The value provided is both assigned to the variable and becomes
the result of the expression. This often can simplify conditional or looping
logic. For example, consider the following prompting loop:
while True:
name = input("Enter a name or 'quit' to exit: ")
if name == "quit":
print("Hello,", name)
while True:
name = input("Enter a name or 'quit' to exit: ")
if name == "quit":
print("Hello,", name)
Enter a name or 'quit' to exit: Coco
Hello, Coco
Enter a name or 'quit' to exit: Vivienne
Hello, Vivienne
Enter a name or 'quit' to exit: quit
Enter a name or 'quit' to exit: Coco
Hello, Coco
Enter a name or 'quit' to exit: Vivienne
Hello, Vivienne
Enter a name or 'quit' to exit: quit
Using the walrus operator, you can implement the same behavior like this:
while (name := input("Enter a name or 'quit' to exit: ")) != "quit":
print("Hello,", name)
while (name := input("Enter a name or 'quit' to exit: ")) != "quit":
print("Hello,", name)
Enter a name or 'quit' to exit: Donna
Hello, Donna
Enter a name or 'quit' to exit: Vera
Hello, Vera
Enter a name or 'quit' to exit: quit
Enter a name or 'quit' to exit: Donna
Hello, Donna
Enter a name or 'quit' to exit: Vera
Hello, Vera
Enter a name or 'quit' to exit: quit
Implement operators for custom types
When you create a custom struct, Mojo allows you to define the behavior of many of the built-in operators for that type by implementing special dunder (double underscore) methods. This section lists the dunder methods associated with the operators and briefly describes the requirements for implementing them.
Unary operator dunder methods
A unary operator invokes an associated dunder method on the value to which it applies. The supported unary operators and their corresponding methods are shown in the table below.
Operator | Dunder method |
+ positive | __pos__() |
- negative | __neg__() |
~ bitwise NOT | __invert__() |
For each of these methods that you decide to implement, you should return either
the original value if unchanged, or a new value representing the result of the
operator. For example, you could implement the -
negative operator for a
struct like this:
struct MyInt:
var value: Int
def __neg__(self) -> Self:
return Self(-self.value)
struct MyInt:
var value: Int
def __neg__(self) -> Self:
return Self(-self.value)
Binary arithmetic, shift, and bitwise operator dunder methods
When you have a binary expression like a + b
, there are two possible dunder
methods that could be invoked.
Mojo first determines whether the left-hand side value (a
in this example) has
a "normal" version of the +
operator's dunder method defined that accepts a
value of the right-hand side's type. If so, it then invokes that method on the
left-hand side value and passes the right-hand side value as an argument.
If Mojo doesn't find a matching "normal" dunder method on the left-hand side
value, it then checks whether the right-hand side value has a "reflected"
(sometimes referred to as "reversed") version of the +
operator's dunder
method defined that accepts a value of the left-hand side's type. If so, it then
invokes that method on the right-hand side value and passes the left-hand side
value as an argument.
For both the normal and the reflected versions, the dunder method should return a new value representing the result of the operator.
Additionally, there are dunder methods corresponding to the in-place assignment versions of the operators. These methods receive the right-hand side value as an argument and the methods should modify the existing left-hand side value to reflect the result of the operator.
The table below lists the various binary arithmetic, shift, and bitwise operators and their corresponding normal, reflected, and in-place dunder methods.
Operator | Normal | Reflected | In-place |
+ addition | __add__() | __radd__() | __iadd__() |
- subtraction | __sub__() | __rsub__() | __isub__() |
* multiplication | __mul__() | __rmul__() | __imul__() |
/ division | __truediv__() | __rtruediv__() | __itruediv__() |
// floor division | __floordiv__() | __rfloordiv__() | __ifloordiv__() |
% modulus/remainder | __mod__() | __rmod__() | __imod__() |
** exponentiation | __pow__() | __rpow__() | __ipow__() |
@ matrix multiplication | __matmul__() | __rmatmul__() | __imatmul__() |
<< left shift | __lshift__() | __rlshift__() | __ilshift__() |
>> right shift | __rshift__() | __rrshift__() | __irshift__() |
& bitwise AND | __and__() | __rand__() | __iand__() |
| bitwise OR | __or__() | __ror__() | __ior__() |
^ bitwise XOR | __xor__() | __rxor__() | __ixor__() |
As an example, consider implementing support for all of the +
operator dunder
methods for a custom MyInt
struct. This shows supporting adding two MyInt
instances as well as adding a MyInt
and an Int
. We can support the case of
having the Int
as the right-hand side argument by overloaded the definition of
. But to support the case of having the Int
as the left-hand side
argument, we need to implement an __radd__()
method, because the built-in
type doesn't have an __add__()
method that supports our custom MyInt
struct MyInt:
var value: Int
def __add__(self, rhs: MyInt) -> Self:
return MyInt(self.value + rhs.value)
def __add__(self, rhs: Int) -> Self:
return MyInt(self.value + rhs)
def __radd__(self, lhs: Int) -> Self:
return MyInt(self.value + lhs)
def __iadd__(mut self, rhs: MyInt) -> None:
self.value += rhs.value
def __iadd__(mut self, rhs: Int) -> None:
self.value += rhs
struct MyInt:
var value: Int
def __add__(self, rhs: MyInt) -> Self:
return MyInt(self.value + rhs.value)
def __add__(self, rhs: Int) -> Self:
return MyInt(self.value + rhs)
def __radd__(self, lhs: Int) -> Self:
return MyInt(self.value + lhs)
def __iadd__(mut self, rhs: MyInt) -> None:
self.value += rhs.value
def __iadd__(mut self, rhs: Int) -> None:
self.value += rhs
Comparison operator dunder methods
When you have a comparison expression like a < b
, Mojo invokes as associated
dunder method on the left-hand side value and passes the right-hand side value
as an argument. Mojo doesn't support "reflected" versions of these dunder
methods because you should only compare values of the same type. The comparison
dunder methods must return a Bool
result representing the result of the
There are two traits associated with the comparison dunder methods. A type that
implements the Comparable
must define all of the comparison methods. However, some types don't have a
natural ordering (for example, complex numbers). For those types you can decide
to implement the
trait, which requires defining only the equality and inequality comparison
The supported comparison operators and their corresponding methods are shown in the table below.
Operator | Dunder method |
== equality | __eq__() |
!= inequality | __ne__() |
< less than | __lt__() |
<= less than or equal | __le__() |
> greater than | __gt__() |
>= greater than or equal | __ge__() |
As an example, consider implementing support for all of the comparison operator
dunder methods for a custom MyInt
struct MyInt(
var value: Int
fn __eq__(self, rhs: MyInt) -> Bool:
return self.value == rhs.value
fn __ne__(self, rhs: MyInt) -> Bool:
return self.value != rhs.value
fn __lt__(self, rhs: MyInt) -> Bool:
return self.value < rhs.value
fn __le__(self, rhs: MyInt) -> Bool:
return self.value <= rhs.value
fn __gt__(self, rhs: MyInt) -> Bool:
return self.value > rhs.value
fn __ge__(self, rhs: MyInt) -> Bool:
return self.value >= rhs.value
struct MyInt(
var value: Int
fn __eq__(self, rhs: MyInt) -> Bool:
return self.value == rhs.value
fn __ne__(self, rhs: MyInt) -> Bool:
return self.value != rhs.value
fn __lt__(self, rhs: MyInt) -> Bool:
return self.value < rhs.value
fn __le__(self, rhs: MyInt) -> Bool:
return self.value <= rhs.value
fn __gt__(self, rhs: MyInt) -> Bool:
return self.value > rhs.value
fn __ge__(self, rhs: MyInt) -> Bool:
return self.value >= rhs.value
Membership operator dunder methods
The in
and not in
operators depend on a type implementing the
dunder method. Typically only collection types (such as List
, and Set
) implement this method. It should accept the right-hand side
value as an argument and return a Bool
indicating whether the value is present
in the collection or not.
Subscript and slicing dunder methods
Subscripting and slicing typically apply only to sequential collection types,
like List
and String
. Subscripting references a single element of a
collection or a dimension of a multi-dimensional container, whereas slicing
refers to a range of values. A type supports both subscripting and slicing by
implementing the __getitem__()
method for retrieving values and the
method for setting values.
In the simple case of a one-dimensional sequence, the __getitem__()
methods should have signatures similar to this:
struct MySeq[type: CollectionElement]:
fn __getitem__(self, idx: Int) -> type:
# Return element at the given index
fn __setitem__(mut self, idx: Int, value: type):
# Assign the element at the given index the provided value
struct MySeq[type: CollectionElement]:
fn __getitem__(self, idx: Int) -> type:
# Return element at the given index
fn __setitem__(mut self, idx: Int, value: type):
# Assign the element at the given index the provided value
It's also possible to support multi-dimensional collections, in which case you
can implement both __getitem__()
and __setitem__()
methods to accept
multiple index arguments—or even variadic index arguments for
arbitrary—dimension collections.
struct MySeq[type: CollectionElement]:
# 2-dimension support
fn __getitem__(self, x_idx: Int, y_idx: Int) -> type:
# Arbitrary-dimension support
fn __getitem__(self, *indices: Int) -> type:
struct MySeq[type: CollectionElement]:
# 2-dimension support
fn __getitem__(self, x_idx: Int, y_idx: Int) -> type:
# Arbitrary-dimension support
fn __getitem__(self, *indices: Int) -> type:
You provide slicing support for a collection type also by implementing
and __setitem__()
methods. But for slicing, instead of
accepting an Int
index (or indices, in the case of a multi-dimensional
collection) you implement to methods to accept a
(or multiple Slice
s in
the case of a multi-dimensional collection).
struct MySeq[type: CollectionElement]:
# Return a new MySeq with a subset of elements
fn __getitem__(self, span: Slice) -> Self:
struct MySeq[type: CollectionElement]:
# Return a new MySeq with a subset of elements
fn __getitem__(self, span: Slice) -> Self:
A Slice
contains three fields:
): The starting index of the sliceend
): The ending index of the slicestep
): The step increment value of the slice.
Because the start, end, and step values are all optional when using slice
syntax, they are represented as Optional[Int]
values in the Slice
. And if
present, the index values might be negative representing a relative position
from the end of the sequence. As a convenience, Slice
provides an indices()
method that accepts a length
value and returns a 3-tuple of "normalized"
start, end, and step values for the given length, all represented as
non-negative values. You can then use these normalized values to determine the
corresponding elements of your collection being referenced.
struct MySeq[type: CollectionElement]:
var size: Int
# Return a new MySeq with a subset of elements
fn __getitem__(self, span: Slice) -> Self:
var start: Int
var end: Int
var step: Int
start, end, step = span.indices(self.size)
struct MySeq[type: CollectionElement]:
var size: Int
# Return a new MySeq with a subset of elements
fn __getitem__(self, span: Slice) -> Self:
var start: Int
var end: Int
var step: Int
start, end, step = span.indices(self.size)
An example of implementing operators for a custom type
As an example of implementing operators for a custom Mojo type, let's create a
struct to represent a single complex number, with both the real and
imaginary components stored as Float64
values. We'll implement most of the
arithmetic operators, the associated in-place assignment operators, the equality
comparison operators, and a few additional convenience methods to support
operations like printing complex values. We'll also allow mixing Complex
values in arithmetic expressions to produce a Complex
This example builds our Complex
struct incrementally. You can also find the
complete example in the public GitHub
Implement lifecycle methods
Our Complex
struct is an example of a simple value type consisting of trivial
numeric fields and requiring no special constructor or destructor behaviors.
This means that we can take advantage of Mojo's
decorator, which is described in
Simple value types, to
automatically implement a member-wise initializer (a constructor with arguments
for each field), a copy constructor, a move constructor, and a destructor.
struct Complex():
var re: Float64
var im: Float64
struct Complex():
var re: Float64
var im: Float64
This definition is enough for us to create Complex
instances and access their
real and imaginary fields.
c1 = Complex(-1.2, 6.5)
print("c1: Real: {}; Imaginary: {}".format(c1.re, c1.im))
c1 = Complex(-1.2, 6.5)
print("c1: Real: {}; Imaginary: {}".format(c1.re, c1.im))
c1: Real: -1.2; Imaginary: 6.5
c1: Real: -1.2; Imaginary: 6.5
As a convenience, let's add an explicit constructor to handle the case of
creating a Complex
instance with an imaginary component of 0.
struct Complex():
var re: Float64
var im: Float64
fn __init__(out self, re: Float64, im: Float64 = 0.0):
self.re = re
self.im = im
struct Complex():
var re: Float64
var im: Float64
fn __init__(out self, re: Float64, im: Float64 = 0.0):
self.re = re
self.im = im
Now we can create a Complex
instance and provide just a real component.
c2 = Complex(3.14159)
print("c2: Real: {}; Imaginary: {}".format(c2.re, c2.im))
c2 = Complex(3.14159)
print("c2: Real: {}; Imaginary: {}".format(c2.re, c2.im))
c2: Real: 3.1415899999999999; Imaginary: 0.0
c2: Real: 3.1415899999999999; Imaginary: 0.0
Implement the Writable
and Stringable
To make it simpler to print Complex
values, let's implement the
Writable trait. While we're at it, let's
also implement the Stringable
trait so
that we can use the String()
constructor to generate a String
representation of a
value. You can find out more about these traits and their associated
methods in The Stringable
, Representable
, and Writable
struct Complex(
# ...
fn __str__(self) -> String:
return String.write(self)
fn write_to[W: Writer](self, mut writer: W):
writer.write("(", self.re)
if self.im < 0:
writer.write(" - ", -self.im)
writer.write(" + ", self.im)
struct Complex(
# ...
fn __str__(self) -> String:
return String.write(self)
fn write_to[W: Writer](self, mut writer: W):
writer.write("(", self.re)
if self.im < 0:
writer.write(" - ", -self.im)
writer.write(" + ", self.im)
Now we can print a Complex
value directly, and we can explicitly generate a
representation by passing a Complex
value to String()
constructs a new String
from all the arguments passed to it.
c3 = Complex(3.14159, -2.71828)
print("c3 =", c3)
var msg = String("The value is: ", c3)
c3 = Complex(3.14159, -2.71828)
print("c3 =", c3)
var msg = String("The value is: ", c3)
c3 = (3.1415899999999999 - 2.71828i)
The value is: (3.1415899999999999 - 2.71828i)
c3 = (3.1415899999999999 - 2.71828i)
The value is: (3.1415899999999999 - 2.71828i)
Implement basic indexing
Indexing usually is supported only by collection types. But as an example, let's implement support for accessing the real component as index 0 and the imaginary component as index 1. We'll not implement slicing or variadic assignment for this example.
# ...
def __getitem__(self, idx: Int) -> Float64:
if idx == 0:
return self.re
elif idx == 1:
return self.im
raise "index out of bounds"
def __setitem__(mut self, idx: Int, value: Float64) -> None:
if idx == 0:
self.re = value
elif idx == 1:
self.im = value
raise "index out of bounds"
# ...
def __getitem__(self, idx: Int) -> Float64:
if idx == 0:
return self.re
elif idx == 1:
return self.im
raise "index out of bounds"
def __setitem__(mut self, idx: Int, value: Float64) -> None:
if idx == 0:
self.re = value
elif idx == 1:
self.im = value
raise "index out of bounds"
Now let's try getting and setting the real and imaginary components of a
value using indexing.
c2 = Complex(3.14159)
print("c2[0]: {}; c2[1]: {}".format(c2[0], c2[1]))
c2[0] = 2.71828
c2[1] = 42
print("c2[0] = 2.71828; c2[1] = 42; c2:", c2)
c2 = Complex(3.14159)
print("c2[0]: {}; c2[1]: {}".format(c2[0], c2[1]))
c2[0] = 2.71828
c2[1] = 42
print("c2[0] = 2.71828; c2[1] = 42; c2:", c2)
c2[0]: 3.1415899999999999; c2[1]: 0.0
c2[0] = 2.71828; c2[1] = 42; c2: (2.71828 + 42.0i)
c2[0]: 3.1415899999999999; c2[1]: 0.0
c2[0] = 2.71828; c2[1] = 42; c2: (2.71828 + 42.0i)
Implement arithmetic operators
Now let's implement the dunder methods that allow us to perform arithmetic
operations on Complex
values. (Refer to the Wikipedia
page on complex numbers for a
more in-depth explanation of the formulas for these operators.)
Implement basic operators for Complex
The unary +
operator simply returns the original value, whereas the unary -
operator returns a new Complex
value with the real and imaginary components
# ...
def __pos__(self) -> Self:
return self
def __neg__(self) -> Self:
return Self(-self.re, -self.im)
# ...
def __pos__(self) -> Self:
return self
def __neg__(self) -> Self:
return Self(-self.re, -self.im)
Let's test these out by printing the result of applying each operator.
c1 = Complex(-1.2, 6.5)
print("+c1:", +c1)
print("-c1:", -c1)
c1 = Complex(-1.2, 6.5)
print("+c1:", +c1)
print("-c1:", -c1)
+c1: (-1.2 + 6.5i)
-c1: (1.2 - 6.5i)
+c1: (-1.2 + 6.5i)
-c1: (1.2 - 6.5i)
Next we'll implement the basic binary operators: +
, -
, *
, and /
Dividing complex numbers is a bit tricky, so we'll also define a helper method
called norm()
to calculate the Euclidean
of a Complex
instance, which can also be useful for other types of analysis
with complex numbers.
For all of these dunder methods, the left-hand side operand is self
and the
right-hand side operand is passed as an argument. We return a new Complex
value representing the result.
from math import sqrt
# ...
def __add__(self, rhs: Self) -> Self:
return Self(self.re + rhs.re, self.im + rhs.im)
def __sub__(self, rhs: Self) -> Self:
return Self(self.re - rhs.re, self.im - rhs.im)
def __mul__(self, rhs: Self) -> Self:
return Self(
self.re * rhs.re - self.im * rhs.im,
self.re * rhs.im + self.im * rhs.re
def __truediv__(self, rhs: Self) -> Self:
denom = rhs.squared_norm()
return Self(
(self.re * rhs.re + self.im * rhs.im) / denom,
(self.im * rhs.re - self.re * rhs.im) / denom
def squared_norm(self) -> Float64:
return self.re * self.re + self.im * self.im
def norm(self) -> Float64:
return sqrt(self.squared_norm())
from math import sqrt
# ...
def __add__(self, rhs: Self) -> Self:
return Self(self.re + rhs.re, self.im + rhs.im)
def __sub__(self, rhs: Self) -> Self:
return Self(self.re - rhs.re, self.im - rhs.im)
def __mul__(self, rhs: Self) -> Self:
return Self(
self.re * rhs.re - self.im * rhs.im,
self.re * rhs.im + self.im * rhs.re
def __truediv__(self, rhs: Self) -> Self:
denom = rhs.squared_norm()
return Self(
(self.re * rhs.re + self.im * rhs.im) / denom,
(self.im * rhs.re - self.re * rhs.im) / denom
def squared_norm(self) -> Float64:
return self.re * self.re + self.im * self.im
def norm(self) -> Float64:
return sqrt(self.squared_norm())
Now we can try them out.
c1 = Complex(-1.2, 6.5)
c3 = Complex(3.14159, -2.71828)
print("c1 + c3 =", c1 + c3)
print("c1 - c3 =", c1 - c3)
print("c1 * c3 =", c1 * c3)
print("c1 / c3 =", c1 / c3)
c1 = Complex(-1.2, 6.5)
c3 = Complex(3.14159, -2.71828)
print("c1 + c3 =", c1 + c3)
print("c1 - c3 =", c1 - c3)
print("c1 * c3 =", c1 * c3)
print("c1 / c3 =", c1 / c3)
c1 + c3 = (1.9415899999999999 + 3.78172i)
c1 - c3 = (-4.3415900000000001 + 9.21828i)
c1 * c3 = (13.898912000000001 + 23.682270999999997i)
c1 / c3 = (-1.2422030701265261 + 0.99419218883955773i)
c1 + c3 = (1.9415899999999999 + 3.78172i)
c1 - c3 = (-4.3415900000000001 + 9.21828i)
c1 * c3 = (13.898912000000001 + 23.682270999999997i)
c1 / c3 = (-1.2422030701265261 + 0.99419218883955773i)
Implement overloaded arithmetic operators for Float64
Our initial set of binary arithmetic operators work fine if both operands are
instances. But if we have a Float64
value representing just a real
value, we'd first need to use it to create a Complex
value before we could
add, subtract, multiply, or divide it with another Complex
value. If we think
that this will be a common use case, it makes sense to overload our arithmetic
methods to accept a Float64
as the second operand.
For the case where we have complex1 + float1
, we can just create an overloaded
definition of __add__()
. But what about the case of float1 + complex1
? By
default, when Mojo encounters a +
operator it tries to invoke the __add__()
method of the left-hand operand, but the built-in Float64
type doesn't
implement support for addition with a Complex
value. This is an example where
we need to implement the __radd__()
method on the Complex
type. When Mojo
can't find an __add__(self, rhs: Complex) -> Complex
method defined on
, it uses the __radd__(self, lhs: Float64) -> Complex
method defined
on Complex
So we can support arithmetic operations on Complex
and Float64
values by
implementing the following eight methods.
# ...
def __add__(self, rhs: Float64) -> Self:
return Self(self.re + rhs, self.im)
def __radd__(self, lhs: Float64) -> Self:
return Self(self.re + lhs, self.im)
def __sub__(self, rhs: Float64) -> Self:
return Self(self.re - rhs, self.im)
def __rsub__(self, lhs: Float64) -> Self:
return Self(lhs - self.re, -self.im)
def __mul__(self, rhs: Float64) -> Self:
return Self(self.re * rhs, self.im * rhs)
def __rmul__(self, lhs: Float64) -> Self:
return Self(lhs * self.re, lhs * self.im)
def __truediv__(self, rhs: Float64) -> Self:
return Self(self.re / rhs, self.im / rhs)
def __rtruediv__(self, lhs: Float64) -> Self:
denom = self.squared_norm()
return Self(
(lhs * self.re) / denom,
(-lhs * self.im) / denom
# ...
def __add__(self, rhs: Float64) -> Self:
return Self(self.re + rhs, self.im)
def __radd__(self, lhs: Float64) -> Self:
return Self(self.re + lhs, self.im)
def __sub__(self, rhs: Float64) -> Self:
return Self(self.re - rhs, self.im)
def __rsub__(self, lhs: Float64) -> Self:
return Self(lhs - self.re, -self.im)
def __mul__(self, rhs: Float64) -> Self:
return Self(self.re * rhs, self.im * rhs)
def __rmul__(self, lhs: Float64) -> Self:
return Self(lhs * self.re, lhs * self.im)
def __truediv__(self, rhs: Float64) -> Self:
return Self(self.re / rhs, self.im / rhs)
def __rtruediv__(self, lhs: Float64) -> Self:
denom = self.squared_norm()
return Self(
(lhs * self.re) / denom,
(-lhs * self.im) / denom
Let's see them in action.
c1 = Complex(-1.2, 6.5)
f1 = 2.5
print("c1 + f1 =", c1 + f1)
print("f1 + c1 =", f1 + c1)
print("c1 - f1 =", c1 - f1)
print("f1 - c1 =", f1 - c1)
print("c1 * f1 =", c1 * f1)
print("f1 * c1 =", f1 * c1)
print("c1 / f1 =", c1 / f1)
print("f1 / c1 =", f1 / c1)
c1 = Complex(-1.2, 6.5)
f1 = 2.5
print("c1 + f1 =", c1 + f1)
print("f1 + c1 =", f1 + c1)
print("c1 - f1 =", c1 - f1)
print("f1 - c1 =", f1 - c1)
print("c1 * f1 =", c1 * f1)
print("f1 * c1 =", f1 * c1)
print("c1 / f1 =", c1 / f1)
print("f1 / c1 =", f1 / c1)
c1 + f1 = (1.3 + 6.5i)
f1 + c1 = (1.3 + 6.5i)
c1 - f1 = (-3.7000000000000002 + 6.5i)
f1 - c1 = (3.7000000000000002 - 6.5i)
c1 * f1 = (-3.0 + 16.25i)
f1 * c1 = (-3.0 + 16.25i)
c1 / f1 = (-0.47999999999999998 + 2.6000000000000001i)
f1 / c1 = (-0.068665598535133904 - 0.37193865873197529i)
c1 + f1 = (1.3 + 6.5i)
f1 + c1 = (1.3 + 6.5i)
c1 - f1 = (-3.7000000000000002 + 6.5i)
f1 - c1 = (3.7000000000000002 - 6.5i)
c1 * f1 = (-3.0 + 16.25i)
f1 * c1 = (-3.0 + 16.25i)
c1 / f1 = (-0.47999999999999998 + 2.6000000000000001i)
f1 / c1 = (-0.068665598535133904 - 0.37193865873197529i)
Implement in-place assignment operators
Now let's implement support for the in-place assignment operators: +=
, -=
, and /=
. These modify the original value, so we need to mark self
being an mut
argument and update the re
and im
fields instead of
returning a new Complex
instance. And once again, we'll overload the
definitions to support both a Complex
and a Float64
# ...
def __iadd__(mut self, rhs: Self) -> None:
self.re += rhs.re
self.im += rhs.im
def __iadd__(mut self, rhs: Float64) -> None:
self.re += rhs
def __isub__(mut self, rhs: Self) -> None:
self.re -= rhs.re
self.im -= rhs.im
def __isub__(mut self, rhs: Float64) -> None:
self.re -= rhs
def __imul__(mut self, rhs: Self) -> None:
new_re = self.re * rhs.re - self.im * rhs.im
new_im = self.re * rhs.im + self.im * rhs.re
self.re = new_re
self.im = new_im
def __imul__(mut self, rhs: Float64) -> None:
self.re *= rhs
self.im *= rhs
def __itruediv__(mut self, rhs: Self) -> None:
denom = rhs.squared_norm()
new_re = (self.re * rhs.re + self.im * rhs.im) / denom
new_im = (self.im * rhs.re - self.re * rhs.im) / denom
self.re = new_re
self.im = new_im
def __itruediv__(mut self, rhs: Float64) -> None:
self.re /= rhs
self.im /= rhs
# ...
def __iadd__(mut self, rhs: Self) -> None:
self.re += rhs.re
self.im += rhs.im
def __iadd__(mut self, rhs: Float64) -> None:
self.re += rhs
def __isub__(mut self, rhs: Self) -> None:
self.re -= rhs.re
self.im -= rhs.im
def __isub__(mut self, rhs: Float64) -> None:
self.re -= rhs
def __imul__(mut self, rhs: Self) -> None:
new_re = self.re * rhs.re - self.im * rhs.im
new_im = self.re * rhs.im + self.im * rhs.re
self.re = new_re
self.im = new_im
def __imul__(mut self, rhs: Float64) -> None:
self.re *= rhs
self.im *= rhs
def __itruediv__(mut self, rhs: Self) -> None:
denom = rhs.squared_norm()
new_re = (self.re * rhs.re + self.im * rhs.im) / denom
new_im = (self.im * rhs.re - self.re * rhs.im) / denom
self.re = new_re
self.im = new_im
def __itruediv__(mut self, rhs: Float64) -> None:
self.re /= rhs
self.im /= rhs
And now to try them out.
c4 = Complex(-1, -1)
print("c4 =", c4)
c4 += Complex(0.5, -0.5)
print("c4 += Complex(0.5, -0.5) =>", c4)
c4 += 2.75
print("c4 += 2.75 =>", c4)
c4 -= Complex(0.25, 1.5)
print("c4 -= Complex(0.25, 1.5) =>", c4)
c4 -= 3
print("c4 -= 3 =>", c4)
c4 *= Complex(-3.0, 2.0)
print("c4 *= Complex(-3.0, 2.0) =>", c4)
c4 *= 0.75
print("c4 *= 0.75 =>", c4)
c4 /= Complex(1.25, 2.0)
print("c4 /= Complex(1.25, 2.0) =>", c4)
c4 /= 2.0
print("c4 /= 2.0 =>", c4)
c4 = Complex(-1, -1)
print("c4 =", c4)
c4 += Complex(0.5, -0.5)
print("c4 += Complex(0.5, -0.5) =>", c4)
c4 += 2.75
print("c4 += 2.75 =>", c4)
c4 -= Complex(0.25, 1.5)
print("c4 -= Complex(0.25, 1.5) =>", c4)
c4 -= 3
print("c4 -= 3 =>", c4)
c4 *= Complex(-3.0, 2.0)
print("c4 *= Complex(-3.0, 2.0) =>", c4)
c4 *= 0.75
print("c4 *= 0.75 =>", c4)
c4 /= Complex(1.25, 2.0)
print("c4 /= Complex(1.25, 2.0) =>", c4)
c4 /= 2.0
print("c4 /= 2.0 =>", c4)
c4 = (-1.0 - 1.0i)
c4 += Complex(0.5, -0.5) => (-0.5 - 1.5i)
c4 += 2.75 => (2.25 - 1.5i)
c4 -= Complex(0.25, 1.5) => (2.0 - 3.0i)
c4 -= 3 => (-1.0 - 3.0i)
c4 *= Complex(-3.0, 2.0) => (9.0 + 7.0i)
c4 *= 0.75 => (6.75 + 5.25i)
c4 /= Complex(1.25, 2.0) => (3.404494382022472 - 1.247191011235955i)
c4 /= 2.0 => (1.702247191011236 - 0.6235955056179775i)
c4 = (-1.0 - 1.0i)
c4 += Complex(0.5, -0.5) => (-0.5 - 1.5i)
c4 += 2.75 => (2.25 - 1.5i)
c4 -= Complex(0.25, 1.5) => (2.0 - 3.0i)
c4 -= 3 => (-1.0 - 3.0i)
c4 *= Complex(-3.0, 2.0) => (9.0 + 7.0i)
c4 *= 0.75 => (6.75 + 5.25i)
c4 /= Complex(1.25, 2.0) => (3.404494382022472 - 1.247191011235955i)
c4 /= 2.0 => (1.702247191011236 - 0.6235955056179775i)
Implement equality operators
The field of complex numbers is not an ordered field, so it doesn't make sense
for us to implement the Comparable
trait and the >
, >=
, <
, and <=
operators. However, we can implement the EqualityComparable
trait and the ==
and !=
operators. (Of course, this suffers the same limitation of comparing
floating point numbers for equality because of the limited precision of
representing floating point numbers when performing arithmetic operations. But
we'll go ahead and implement the operators for completeness.)
struct Complex(
# ...
fn __eq__(self, other: Self) -> Bool:
return self.re == other.re and self.im == other.im
fn __ne__(self, other: Self) -> Bool:
return self.re != other.re and self.im != other.im
struct Complex(
# ...
fn __eq__(self, other: Self) -> Bool:
return self.re == other.re and self.im == other.im
fn __ne__(self, other: Self) -> Bool:
return self.re != other.re and self.im != other.im
And now to try them out.
c1 = Complex(-1.2, 6.5)
c3 = Complex(3.14159, -2.71828)
c5 = Complex(-1.2, 6.5)
if c1 == c5:
print("c1 is equal to c5")
print("c1 is not equal to c5")
if c1 != c3:
print("c1 is not equal to c3")
print("c1 is equal to c3")
c1 = Complex(-1.2, 6.5)
c3 = Complex(3.14159, -2.71828)
c5 = Complex(-1.2, 6.5)
if c1 == c5:
print("c1 is equal to c5")
print("c1 is not equal to c5")
if c1 != c3:
print("c1 is not equal to c3")
print("c1 is equal to c3")
c1 is equal to c5
c1 is not equal to c3
c1 is equal to c5
c1 is not equal to c3
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