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Mojo🔥 roadmap & sharp edges

This document captures the broad plan about how we plan to implement things in Mojo, and some early thoughts about key design decisions. This is not a full design spec for any of these features, but it can provide a "big picture" view of what to expect over time. It is also an acknowledgement of major missing components that we plan to add.

Overall priorities​

Mojo is still in early development and many language features will arrive in the coming months. We are highly focused on building Mojo the right way (for the long-term), so we want to fully build-out the core Mojo language features before we work on other dependent features and enhancements.

Currently, that means we are focused on the core system programming features that are essential to Mojo's mission, and as outlined in the following sections of this roadmap.

In the near-term, we will not prioritize "general goodness" work such as:

  • Adding syntactic sugar and short-hands for Python.
  • Adding features from other languages that are missing from Python (such as public/private declarations).
  • Tackling broad Python ecosystem challenges like packaging.

If you have encountered any bugs with current Mojo behavior, please submit an issue on GitHub.

If you have ideas about how to improve the core Mojo features, we prefer that you first look for similar topics or start a new conversation about it on Discord.

We also consider Mojo to be a new member of the Python family, so if you have suggestions to improve the experience with Python, we encourage you to propose these "general goodness" enhancements through the formal PEP process.

Why not add syntactic sugar or other minor new features?​

We are frequently asked whether Mojo will add minor features that people love in other languages but that are missing in Python, such as "implicit return" at the end of a function, public/private access control, fixing Python packaging, and various syntactic shorthands. As mentioned above, we are intentionally not adding these kinds of features to Mojo right now. There are three major reasons for this:

  • First, Mojo is still young: we are still "building a house" by laying down major bricks in the type system and adding system programming features that Python lacks. We know we need to implement support for many existing Python features (compatibility is a massive and important goal of Mojo) and this work is not done yet. We have limited engineering bandwidth and want focus on building essential functionality, and we will not debate whether certain syntactic sugar is important or not.

  • Second, syntactic sugar is like mortar in a building—its best use is to hold the building together by filling in usability gaps. Sugar (and mortar) is problematic to add early into a system: you can run into problems with laying the next bricks because the sugar gets in the way. We have experience building other languages (such as Swift) that added sugar early, which could have been subsumed by more general features if time and care were given to broader evaluation.

  • Third, the Python community should tackle some of these ideas first. It is important to us that Mojo be a good member of the Python family, not just a language with Pythonic syntax. As such, we don't want to needlessly diverge from Python evolution: adding a bunch of features could lead to problems down the road if Python makes incompatible decisions. Such a future would fracture the community which would cause massively more harm than any minor language feature could offset.

For all these reasons, "nice to have" syntactic sugar is not a priority, and we will quickly close such proposals to avoid cluttering the issue tracker. If you'd like to propose a "general goodness" syntactic feature, please do so with the existing Python PEP process. If/when Python adopts a feature, Mojo may also add it, because Mojo's goal is to adopt Python's syntax. We are happy with this approach because the Python community is better equipped to evaluate these features, they have mature code bases to evaluate them with, and they have processes and infrastructure for making structured language evolution features.

Small independent features​

There are a number of features that are missing that are important to round out the language fully, but which don't depend strongly on other features. These include things like:

  • Improved package management support.
  • Many standard library features, including copy-on-write data structures.
  • Support for "top level code" at file scope.
  • Algebraic data types like enum in Swift/Rust, and pattern matching.
  • Many standard library types need refinement, including Optional[T] and Result[T, Error].

Ownership and Lifetimes​

The ownership system is partially implemented, and is expected to get built out in the next couple of months. The basic support for ownership includes features like:

  • Capture declarations in closures.
  • Lifetime checker: complain about invalid mutable references.
  • Lifetime checker: enforce argument exclusivity for mutable references.

Mojo has support for a safe Pointer type, and it is used in the standard library, but it is still under active development and not very pretty or nice to use right now.

Traits support​

Mojo has basic support for traits. Traits allow you to specify a set of requirements for types to implement. Types can implement those requirements to conform to the trait. Traits allow you to write generic functions and generic containers, which can work with any type that conforms to a given trait, instead of being hard-coded to work with a specific type.

Currently, the only kind of requirements supported by traits are required method signatures. The trait can't provide a default implementation for its required methods, so each conforming type must implement all of the required methods.

A number of built-in traits are already implemented in the standard library.

We plan to expand traits support in future releases. Planned features include:

  • Support for default implementations of required methods.

  • Support for a feature like Swift's extensions, allowing you to add a trait to a preexisting type.

  • Improve support for conditional conformance.


Mojo still doesn't support classes, the primary thing Python programmers use pervasively! This isn't because we hate dynamism - quite the opposite. It is because we need to get the core language semantics nailed down before adding them. We expect to provide full support for all the dynamic features in Python classes, and want the right framework to hang that off of.

When we get here, we will discuss what the right default is: for example, is full Python hash-table dynamism the default? Or do we use a more efficient model by default (e.g. vtable-based dispatch and explicitly declared stored properties) and allow opt'ing into dynamism with a @dynamic decorator on the class. More discussion is in this proposal.

C/C++ Interop​

Integration to transparently import Clang C/C++ modules. Mojo's type system and C++'s are very compatible, so we should be able to have something pretty nice here. Mojo can leverage Clang to transparently generate a foreign function interface between C/C++ and Mojo, with the ability to directly import functions:

from "math.h" import cos

from "math.h" import cos


Calling Mojo from Python​

Currently you can call Python code from Mojo, but not the reverse: you can't pass a Mojo callback to a Python function, or build a Python extension in Mojo. We want to support calling Mojo from Python, but we want to do it right and we need the core language to be more mature first.

Full MLIR decorator reflection​

All decorators in Mojo have hard-coded behavior in the parser. In time, we will move these decorators to being compile-time metaprograms that use MLIR integration. This may depend on C++ interop for talking to MLIR. This completely opens up the compiler to programmers. Static decorators are functions executed at compile-time with the capability to inspect and modify the IR of functions and types.

fn value(t: TypeSpec):
t.__copyinit__ = # synthesize dunder copyinit automatically

struct TrivialType: pass

fn full_unroll(loop: mlir.Operation):
# unrolling of structured loop

fn main():
for i in range(10):
fn value(t: TypeSpec):
t.__copyinit__ = # synthesize dunder copyinit automatically

struct TrivialType: pass

fn full_unroll(loop: mlir.Operation):
# unrolling of structured loop

fn main():
for i in range(10):

Sharp Edges​

The entire Modular kernel library is written in Mojo, and its development has been prioritized based on the internal needs of those users. Given that Mojo is still a young language, there are a litany of missing small features that many Python and systems programmers may expect from their language, as well as features that don't quite work the way we want to yet, and in ways that can be surprising or unexpected. This section of the document describes a variety of "sharp edges" in Mojo, and potentially how to work around them if needed. We expect all of these to be resolved in time, but in the meantime, they are documented here.

No list or dict comprehensions​

Mojo does not yet support Python list or dictionary comprehension expressions, like [x for x in range(10)].

No lambda syntax​

Mojo does not yet support defining anonymous functions with the lambda keyword.

Parametric aliases​

Mojo aliases can refer to parametric values but cannot themselves have parameter lists. As of v0.6.0, you can create a parametric alias by aliasing an unbound or partially-bound type. For example, the new Scalar type is defined as:

alias Scalar = SIMD[size=1]
alias Scalar = SIMD[size=1]

This creates a parametric alias that you can use like this:

var i = Scalar[DType.int8]
var i = Scalar[DType.int8]

Parametric aliases with an explicit parameter list aren't yet supported:

alias mul2[x: Int] = x * 2
# Error!
alias mul2[x: Int] = x * 2
# Error!

Exception is actually called Error​

In Python, programmers expect that exceptions all subclass the Exception builtin class. The only available type for Mojo "exceptions" is Error:

fn raise_an_error() raises:
raise Error("I'm an error!")
fn raise_an_error() raises:
raise Error("I'm an error!")

The reason we call this type Error instead of Exception is because it's not really an exception. It's not an exception, because raising an error does not cause stack unwinding, but most importantly it does not have a stack trace. And without polymorphism, the Error type is the only kind of error that can be raised in Mojo right now.

No Python-style generator functions​

Mojo does not yet support Python-style generator functions (yield syntax). These are "synchronous co-routines" -- functions with multiple suspend points.

No async for or async with​

Although Mojo has support for async functions with async fn and async def, Mojo does not yet support the async for and async with statements.

Scoping and mutability of statement variables​

Python programmers understand that local variables are implicitly declared and scoped at the function level. As the Mojo Manual explains, this is supported in Mojo for implicitly-declared variables. However, there are some nuances to Python's implicit declaration rules that Mojo does not match 1-to-1.

For example, the scope of for loop iteration variables and caught exceptions in except statements is limited to the next indentation block, for both def and fn functions. Python programmers will expect the following program to print "2":

for i in range(3): pass
for i in range(3): pass

However, Mojo will complain that print(i) is a use of an unknown declaration. This is because whether i is defined at this line is dynamic in Python. For instance the following Python program will fail:

for i in range(0): pass
for i in range(0): pass

With NameError: name 'i' is not defined, because the definition of i is a dynamic characteristic of the function. Mojo's lifetime tracker is intentionally simple (so lifetimes are easy to use!), and cannot reason that i would be defined even when the loop bounds are constant.

Name scoping of nested function declarations​

In Python, nested function declarations produce dynamic values. They are essentially syntactic sugar for bar = lambda ....

def foo():
def bar(): # creates a function bound to the dynamic value 'bar'
bar() # indirect call
def foo():
def bar(): # creates a function bound to the dynamic value 'bar'
bar() # indirect call

In Mojo, nested function declarations are static, so calls to them are direct unless made otherwise.

fn foo():
fn bar(): # static function definition bound to 'bar'
bar() # direct call
var f = bar # materialize 'bar' as a dynamic value
f() # indirect call
fn foo():
fn bar(): # static function definition bound to 'bar'
bar() # direct call
var f = bar # materialize 'bar' as a dynamic value
f() # indirect call

Currently, this means you cannot declare two nested functions with the same name. For instance, the following example does not work in Mojo:

def pick_func(cond) -> def() capturing:
if cond:
def bar(): return 42
def bar(): return 3 # error: redeclaration of 'bar'
return bar
def pick_func(cond) -> def() capturing:
if cond:
def bar(): return 42
def bar(): return 3 # error: redeclaration of 'bar'
return bar

The functions in each conditional must be explicitly materialized as dynamic values.

def pick_func(cond)  -> def() capturing:
var result: def() capturing # Mojo function type
if cond:
def bar0(): return 42
result = bar0
def bar1(): return 3
result = bar1
return result
def pick_func(cond)  -> def() capturing:
var result: def() capturing # Mojo function type
if cond:
def bar0(): return 42
result = bar0
def bar1(): return 3
result = bar1
return result

We hope to sort out these oddities with nested function naming as our model of closures in Mojo develops further.

Limited polymorphism​

Mojo has implemented static polymorphism through traits, as noted above. We plan to implement dynamic polymorphism through classes and MLIR reflection in the future.

Python programmers are used to implementing special dunder methods on their classes to interface with generic methods like print() and len(). For instance, one expects that implementing __repr__() or __str__() on a class will enable that class to be printed using print().

class One:
def __init__(self): pass
def __repr__(self): return '1'

print(One()) # prints '1'
class One:
def __init__(self): pass
def __repr__(self): return '1'

print(One()) # prints '1'

Mojo currently supports similar functionality through the Writable trait, so that print() works on all Writable types. We'll continue to add traits support to the standard library to enable common use cases like this.

The standard library has limited exceptions use​

For historic and performance reasons, core standard library types typically do not use exceptions. For instance, List will not raise an out-of-bounds access (it will crash), and Int does not throw on divide by zero. In other words, most standard library types are considered "unsafe".

var l = List[Int](capacity=0)
print(l[1]) # could crash or print garbage values (undefined behavior)

print(1//0) # does not raise and could print anything (undefined behavior)
var l = List[Int](capacity=0)
print(l[1]) # could crash or print garbage values (undefined behavior)

print(1//0) # does not raise and could print anything (undefined behavior)

This is clearly unacceptable given the strong memory safety goals of Mojo. We will circle back to this when more language features and language-level optimizations are available.

Nested functions cannot be recursive​

Nested functions (any function that is not a top-level function) cannot be recursive in any way. Nested functions are considered "parameters", and although parameter values do not have to obey lexical order, their uses and definitions cannot form a cycle. Current limitations in Mojo mean that nested functions, which are considered parameter values, cannot be cyclic.

fn try_recursion():
fn bar(x: Int): # error: circular reference :<
if x < 10:
bar(x + 1)
fn try_recursion():
fn bar(x: Int): # error: circular reference :<
if x < 10:
bar(x + 1)

Only certain loaded MLIR dialects can be accessed​

Although Mojo provides features to access the full power of MLIR, in reality only a certain number of loaded MLIR dialects can be accessed in the Playground at the moment.

The upstream dialects available in the Playground are the index dialect and the LLVM dialect.

or expression is statically typed​

Because Mojo has static typing, the or expression can't currently mimic the behavior of Python. In Python, the result type of the or expression is dynamic, based on the runtime values:

i: int = 0
s: str = "hello"
print(type(i or s)) # prints <class 'str'>
i = 5
print(type(i or s)) # prints <class 'int'>
i: int = 0
s: str = "hello"
print(type(i or s)) # prints <class 'str'>
i = 5
print(type(i or s)) # prints <class 'int'>

In Mojo, given the expression (a or b), the compiler needs to statically determine a result type that the types of a and b can both be converted to.

For example, currently an Int can be implicitly converted to a String, but a String can't be implicitly converted to an Int. So given an integer value i and a string value s, the value of (i or s) will always be a String.

StringLiteral behaves differently than String​

String literals behave differently than String values in Mojo code. For example:

fn main():
var g: Int = 0
var h: String = "hello"
print(g or h) # prints `hello`
print(g or "hello") # prints `True`
fn main():
var g: Int = 0
var h: String = "hello"
print(g or h) # prints `hello`
print(g or "hello") # prints `True`

While the IntLiteral and FloatLiteral types convert or materialize at runtime into Int and Float64 values, respectively, string literals continue to exist at runtime as StringLiteral values. This can result in surprising behavior because StringLiteral has a more restricted API than String.

In the example above, because the or expression is statically typed, and Int cannot be implicitly converted to a StringLiteral, the compiler chooses a result type that both Int and StringLiteral can be converted to—in this case, Bool.

We plan to address this issue in the future, but in the near term, you can avoid the inconsistency between StringLiteral and String problems by explicitly converting string literals to String values. For example:

var h: String = "hello"
# or
print(g or String("hello"))
var h: String = "hello"
# or
print(g or String("hello"))

Walrus assignment expression limitations​

The Mojo compiler reports an uninitialized value error if an expression uses multiple "walrus" assignment expressions to declare more than one variable. For example:

def A() -> Int: return 42

def B() -> String: return "waffles"

def main():
if (a := A()) and (b := B()):
print("a =", a)
print("b =", b)
def A() -> Int: return 42

def B() -> String: return "waffles"

def main():
if (a := A()) and (b := B()):
print("a =", a)
print("b =", b)
walrus-conditional.mojo:8:14: error: use of uninitialized value 'b'
print("b =", b)
walrus-conditional.mojo:6:24: note: 'b' declared here
if (a := A()) and (b := B()):
walrus-conditional.mojo:8:14: error: use of uninitialized value 'b'
print("b =", b)
walrus-conditional.mojo:6:24: note: 'b' declared here
if (a := A()) and (b := B()):

Ideally, the Mojo compiler should compile this code because the second print() statement executes only if a value is assigned to b. To work around this limitation you can explicitly initialize b before the if statement, like this:

def A() -> Int: return 42

def B() -> String: return "waffles"

def main():
b = String()
if (a := A()) and (b := B()):
print("a =", a)
print("b =", b)
def A() -> Int: return 42

def B() -> String: return "waffles"

def main():
b = String()
if (a := A()) and (b := B()):
print("a =", a)
print("b =", b)
a = 42
b = waffles
a = 42
b = waffles

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