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Mojo struct


struct Scope

Represents memory synchronization scope levels for GPU memory operations.

Defines different scopes of memory visibility and synchronization, from thread-local to system-wide. Each scope level determines how memory operations are ordered and visible across different execution units.

The scope levels form a hierarchy, with each higher level providing stronger ordering guarantees but potentially higher synchronization costs.


  • NONE = Scope(0): No memory ordering guarantees. Operations may be reordered freely.
  • THREAD = Scope(1): Thread-level scope. Memory operations are ordered within a single thread.
  • WARP = Scope(2): Warp-level scope. Memory operations are ordered within a warp of threads.
  • BLOCK = Scope(3): Block-level scope. Memory operations ordered within a thread block/CTA.
  • CLUSTER = Scope(4): Cluster-level scope. Memory operations ordered within a thread block cluster.
  • GPU = Scope(5): GPU-level scope. Memory operations are ordered across all threads on the GPU.
  • SYSTEM = Scope(6): System-wide scope. Memory operations ordered across the entire system.

Implemented traits

AnyType, CollectionElement, Copyable, EqualityComparable, EqualityComparableCollectionElement, ExplicitlyCopyable, Movable, UnknownDestructibility, Writable



__eq__(self, other: Self) -> Bool

Checks if two Scope instances are equal.

Uses pointer comparison for efficiency.


  • other (Self): The other Scope instance to compare with.


True if the instances are the same, False otherwise.


__ne__(self, other: Self) -> Bool

Checks if two Scope instances are not equal.


  • other (Self): The other Scope instance to compare with.


True if the instances are different, False otherwise.


__is__(self, other: Self) -> Bool

Checks if two Scope instances have the same value.

Compares the underlying integer values.


  • other (Self): The other Scope instance to compare with.


True if the values are the same, False otherwise.


__isnot__(self, other: Self) -> Bool

Checks if two Scope instances have different values.


  • other (Self): The other Scope instance to compare with.


True if the values are different, False otherwise.


write_to[W: Writer](self, mut w: W)

Writes the string representation of the scope to a writer.


  • W (Writer): The type of writer to use for output. Must implement the Writer interface.


  • w (W): The writer to write to.


__str__(self) -> String

Returns the string representation of the memory scope.


A string representation of the memory scope.


__repr__(self) -> String

Returns the string representation of the memory scope.


A string representation of the memory scope.


mnemonic(self) -> StringLiteral

Returns the mnemonic string representation of the memory scope.

Converts the memory scope level into a string mnemonic used by LLVM/NVVM intrinsics for memory operations.


A string literal containing the mnemonic.