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Mojo function


named_barrier[num_threads: SIMD[int32, 1], id: SIMD[int32, 1] = __init__[__mlir_type.!pop.int_literal](0)]()

Performs a named synchronization barrier at the block level.

This function creates a synchronization point using a specific barrier ID, allowing for multiple independent barriers within a thread block. All threads in the block must execute this function with the same barrier ID and thread count before any thread can proceed past the barrier.


- Only supported on NVIDIA GPUs.
- Maps directly to the `nvvm.barrier` instruction.
- Useful for fine-grained synchronization when different subsets of threads
need to synchronize independently.
- The barrier ID must not exceed 16.
- All threads participating in the barrier must specify the same num_threads value.
- Only supported on NVIDIA GPUs.
- Maps directly to the `nvvm.barrier` instruction.
- Useful for fine-grained synchronization when different subsets of threads
need to synchronize independently.
- The barrier ID must not exceed 16.
- All threads participating in the barrier must specify the same num_threads value.


  • num_threads (SIMD[int32, 1]): The number of threads that must reach the barrier before any can proceed.
  • id (SIMD[int32, 1]): The barrier identifier (0-16). Default is 0.