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Mojo struct


@register_passable(trivial) struct PipelineState[num_stages: Int]

Manages state for a multi-stage pipeline with circular buffer semantics.

PipelineState provides a mechanism for tracking the current stage in a multi-stage pipeline, particularly useful for double or triple buffering in GPU tensor operations. It maintains an index that cycles through the available stages, a phase bit that toggles when the index wraps around, and a monotonically increasing count.

This struct is commonly used with TMA operations to coordinate the use of multiple buffers in a pipeline fashion, allowing for overlapping computation and data transfer.


  • num_stages (Int): The number of stages in the pipeline (e.g., 2 for double buffering, 3 for triple buffering).

Implemented traits

AnyType, Copyable, ExplicitlyCopyable, Movable, UnknownDestructibility



__init__() -> Self

Initialize a PipelineState with default values.

Creates a new PipelineState with index 0, phase 0, and count 0.

__init__(index: Int, phase: Int, count: Int) -> Self

Initialize a PipelineState with specific values.

Creates a new PipelineState with the specified index, phase, and count.


  • index (Int): The initial stage index.
  • phase (Int): The initial phase value (0 or 1).
  • count (Int): The initial count value.


index(self) -> Int

Get the current stage index.


The current index value, which ranges from 0 to num_stages-1.


phase(self) -> SIMD[uint32, 1]

Get the current phase bit.


The current phase value (0 or 1), which toggles when the index wraps around.


step(mut self)

Advance the pipeline state to the next stage.

Increments the index and count. When the index reaches num_stages, it wraps around to 0 and toggles the phase bit.

This function is used to move to the next buffer in a multi-buffer pipeline, implementing circular buffer semantics.