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You can add the @register_passable decorator on a struct to tell Mojo that the type should be passed in machine registers (such as a CPU register; subject to the details of the underlying architecture). For tiny data types like an integer or floating-point number, this is much more efficient than storing values in stack memory. This means the type is always passed by value and cannot be passed by reference.

The basic @register_passable decorator does not change the fundamental behavior of a type: it still needs an __init__() and __copyinit__() method to be copyable (and it may have a __del__() method, if necessary). For example:

struct Pair:
var a: Int
var b: Int

fn __init__(out self, one: Int, two: Int):
self.a = one
self.b = two

fn __copyinit__(out self, existing: Self):
self.a = existing.a
self.b = existing.b

fn test_pair():
var x = Pair(5, 10)
var y = x

print(y.a, y.b)
y.a = 10
y.b = 20
print(y.a, y.b)
struct Pair:
var a: Int
var b: Int

fn __init__(out self, one: Int, two: Int):
self.a = one
self.b = two

fn __copyinit__(out self, existing: Self):
self.a = existing.a
self.b = existing.b

fn test_pair():
var x = Pair(5, 10)
var y = x

print(y.a, y.b)
y.a = 10
y.b = 20
print(y.a, y.b)
5 10
10 20
5 10
10 20

This behavior is what we expect from Pair, with or without the decorator.

You should be aware of a few other observable effects:

  1. @register_passable types cannot hold instances of types that are not also @register_passable.

  2. @register_passable types do not have a predictable identity, and so the self pointer is not stable/predictable (e.g. in hash tables).

  3. @register_passable arguments and result are exposed to C and C++ directly, instead of being passed by-pointer.

  4. @register_passable types cannot have a __moveinit__() constructor, because values passed in a register cannot be passed by reference.


Most types that use @register_passable are just "bags of bits," which we call "trivial" types. These trivial types are simple and should be copied, moved, and destroyed without any custom constructors or a destructor. For these types, you can add the "trivial" argument, and Mojo synthesizes all the lifecycle methods as appropriate for a trivial register-passable type:

struct Pair:
var a: Int
var b: Int
struct Pair:
var a: Int
var b: Int

This is similar to the @value decorator, except when using @register_passable("trivial") the only lifecycle method you're allowed to define is the __init__() constructor (but you don't have to)—you cannot define any copy or move constructors or a destructor.

Examples of trivial types include:

  • Arithmetic types such as Int, Bool, Float64 etc.
  • Pointers (the address value is trivial, not the data being pointed to).
  • Arrays of other trivial types, including SIMD.

For more information about lifecycle methods (constructors and destructors) see the section about Value lifecycle.

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